Publications in English
Say no to FGM (2012)
The purpose of this publication is to provide information about female genital mutilation to communities in which it is still being conducted due to incorrect information. The publication is intended as a tool for the liaison officers, as they discuss and provide guidance to their members in order to change their attitudes towards new and correct information. Attitudes and false beliefs are strong, and change needs to come from the inside. This publication is also a useful tool for social and health care professionals who work with circumcised girls and women.
The publication is available in four languages:
- Say No To FGM! (English)
- Say No To FGM! (Somali)
- Say No To FGM! (Finnish)
- Say No To FGM! (Arabic)
Publications in Finnish
- Studies, career and family in a new country -mapping (Opinnot, ura ja perhe uudessa kortimaassa kartoitus (2023))
- Anti-mutilation action material package (Silpomisen vastaisen toiminnan materiaalipaketti (2021))
- Use of iron – guide (Raudan käytön opas (2020))
- Mutilation awareness -card (Silpomisen puheeksioton kortti (2020))
- On the trail of power – A methodological guide and information package for secondary school teachers on global power structures (Vallan jäljillä – Menetelmäopas ja tietopaketti toisen asteen opettajille globaaleista valtarakenteista (2019))
- Joy, Inclusion and Wellbeing – An action model for group activities focusing on wellbeing-related service guidance for immigrants (Iloa, osallisuutta ja hyvinvointia – Toimintamalli hyvinvointiaiheiseen palveluohjaukseen keskittyvään ryhmätoimintaan maahan muuttaneille (2018))
- Workshop material for immigrant peer groups (Työpajamateriaali maahanmuuttajien vertaisryhmiin (2017))
- Computer guide (Tietokoneopas (2016))
- Women influencers in developing countries (Kehitysmaiden naisvaikuttajat (2015))
- Conflicts of honour as a global development issue and in everyday life in Finnish schools (Kunniakonfliktit globaalina kehityskysymyksenä ja suomalaisten koulujen arjessa (2013))
- Haweenka! – The forgotten voices of Somalia (Haweenka! – Somalian unohdetut äänet (2013))